Professional window cleaning is perfect for a bright, well maintained healthy home. Our safe, non-abrasive cleaning solutions will remove unwanted contaminates that dull and create surface abrasions to your glass. Extend the life of your glass, and upgrade your window cleaning service today!
We even clean chandeliers!
Experience our #Chandelier #Cleaning #Service option today! Catering to your needs and #delivering #impeccably clean #results! #Schedule your Free In-home #consultation today!
Vic, Rosa and Peter are the best! They are perfectionists who take pride in their work. I’ve used Paradigm for my windows for years and highly recommend this company!
Learn more, on the many ways of #Clean
in Macomb and Oakland county
That we can get you back to having peace of mind! From Interior Top-To-Bottom Deep Cleans, Hot Water Extraction Cleaning, & Interior Exterior Window Cleaning Services. Connect with us below to schedule your Free In-home consultation!
Hot Water Extraction Upholstery #Cleaning is the most effective way to remove embedded soils.
Provided the fabric is compatible with this method, it is also the preferred approach for restorative & #sanitized cleaning. Schedule & connect with us below for your #Free In-home consultation!
Results from our tile and grout cleaning systems.
Extracting cooking oils & soil from grout & tile. Schedule & connect with us below for your #Free #Cleaning #Service consultation!
Experience our #Chandelier #Cleaning #Service option today!
Catering to your needs and #delivering #impeccably clean #results one #crystal at a time! #Schedule your Free In-home #consultation today!
Not only do we clean carpets with our hot water extraction process but we now also offer offering safe and effective spot removal treatments.
Contact us today to speak with one of our experts
With our signature Move-Out cleaning services your potential buyers will be impressed
Connect with us below to schedule your #Free In-Home #Cleaning #Service consultation!